Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Home Made Facials

To be beautiful is always a big deal. And the secret to being beautiful is to have smooth, moisturized and flawless skin. There are many moisturizers available specially formulated to suit every skin type. Most of them guarantee beautiful, clear skin with continuous use. Oftentimes, though, they come with chemical ingredients that may not be very friendly for very sensitive skin. Because of this, a lot of people are now turning to healthier alternatives, using products that you may already have in your garden or in your kitchen.

For instance, lemon juice, vinegar, blackberries, grapes, oranges, tomatoes, and apple juice are great facial cleansers.

For an overnight facial, dab some apple cider vinegar on your face before retiring to bed. This will rid your face of blemishes and impurities overnight. When you wake up in the morning, you will have softer, smoother skin.

You can also make your own moisturizer mask. Just add two tablespoons of honey to two teaspoons of milk. Then smooth the solution over your face and throat. Leave on for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

The following tip is an excellent remedy for dry skin. If you have a piece of egg, a tablespoon of oil and half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, you may be well on your way to have moisturized, smooth skin. Here is what you must do: beat the egg and add oil and lemon juice. Mix them well. Apply a bit of the mixture on your wrist, then refrigerate the rest of it. After an hour, your wrist should look and feel okay. This is an indication that the mixture may now be applied to your face. Wash your face and carefully massage the mixture on your face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse well.

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