Saturday, June 14, 2008

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Causes

When you are afraid, your body activates the "fight or flight" response —a reference to our caveman ancestors facing a tiger. In reaction, your body releases adrenaline, which is responsible for increasing blood pressure and heart rate and increasing glucose to muscles (to allow you to run away quickly in the face of immediate danger). However, once the immediate danger (which may or may not have actually existed) is gone, the body begins a process of shutting down the stress response, and this process involves the release of another hormone known as cortisol.

If your body does not generate enough cortisol to shut down the flight or stress reaction, you may continue to feel the stress effects of the adrenaline. Trauma victims who develop post-traumatic stress disorder often have higher levels of other stimulating hormones (catecholamines) under normal conditions in which the threat of trauma is not present. These same hormones kick in when they are reminded of their trauma.

Physically, your body also increases your heart rate. After a month in this heightened state, with stress hormones elevated, you may develop further physical changes, such as heightened hearing. This cascade of physical changes, one triggering another, suggests that early intervention may be the key to heading off the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.



Anonymous said...

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme stress response to a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless. If you have PTSD, you may believe that you’ll never get over what happened or feel normal again. But with treatment and the support of your loved ones, you can overcome your symptoms, reduce the painful memories, and move on with your life.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder said...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder should be dealt with seriously and with big importance. Sufferer or not we need to know the signs, symptoms, implications and how to spot someone who’s having this kind of condition and most importantly how to help them to be cured. We know for a fact that these people often times is in the dark with no hopes seen at all. We need to remember that there is always hope and if they cannot find it, then let’s help and bring it to them.