Friday, June 13, 2008

Hair Loss- Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic Remedies

Fluoric acid - For brittle hair that falls out in small tufts.

Lycopodium - For premature balding and graying, or hair loss after childbirth. Eczema is often behind the ears.

Kali carbonicum: For dry, thinning hair.

Kali Sulphuricum - For yellow, flaking dandruff, which may be moist or sticky. Hair may fall out, leaving bald spots. Take one tablet twice daily for maximum 2 weeks.

Natrum mur - When hair loss is accompanied by dandruff and white crusts on the scalp. Greasy around the hairline.

Phosphorus - Indicated when hair falls out in handfuls.

Phosphorum acidum: Take 1X every six to eight hours for alopecia stemming from depression.

Selenium - For hair loss on the body and scalp. The scalp feels painful when touched.

Tissue Salts

Take 4 tablets under tongue three times daily.

Calc phos. - For hair loss after a fever.

Kali sulph - When the hair loss is accompanied by dandruff with dry, scaly eruptions.

Nat mur - For hair that is dry and falls out, or for beard hair that falls out.

Silicea - When the hair lacks nourishment, this remedy helps to bring strength and bounce back to the hair.

While homeopathic medicines are considered safe, it is always advisable to consult a competent homeopath before taking any medicine.

This doesn't constitute any medical advice and NOT meant to diagnose or treat any health condition and/or is NOT a replacement for treatment by a healthcare provider. Please consult your homeopath and learn how homeopathy works and how it is used before using any remedies that homeopathy offers.

1 comment:

Vinita Solanki said...

Hair fall treatment by homeopathy is known to be extremely effective for some people. This is a safe and healthy method which does not include any side effects.